
Palamedes by Euripides, reconstructed by David Stuttard, will take place on 28th May 2013 at Europe House 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU (doors open 6.30 pm, performance begins 7.00 pm)

The sequel to ‘Paris Alexandros’ originally the second play in a ‘Trojan Trilogy’ (which contained the celebrated ‘Trojan Women’), ‘Palamedes’ tells the story of a hero falsely accused of treason.

Unperformed for almost two and a half thousand years, ‘Palamedes’ has been reconstructed from fragments by David Stuttard.

Canapés and wine will be served.  RSVP by 14th May to Lianna Valenti, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 01273 810 268

Of our last event, historian Bettany Hughes wrote:

Savage Beauty last night pulled together sensuous, hilarious and genuinely moving work from Ancient Greek poems, plays and inscriptions. A✭!  Kudos.